Greater Eagle River Garden Club
President Elaine Major
Meetings are the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm from March through November. We meet at the Eagle River Presbyterian Church at 12836 Old Glenn Hwy., in Eagle River, unless otherwise noted. Meetings are open to the public. A short business meeting will typically be followed by an educational presentation, unless a field trip is scheduled. Visit our Facebook page for more information!
Annual activities may include:
Maintaining the adopted “Forgotten Gardens” in Eagle River
Assisting the Anchorage Parks and Recreation Dept. to plant and maintain the Blue Star Marker and Eagle River Welcome sign at Chief Alex Park
Hosting a Greater Eagle River Garden Tour and/or spring plant sale
Recognizing outstanding residential and business landscaping for ‘Garden of the Week’ awards through the summer months
Providing GERGC information for the weekly chamber newsletter
Other opportunities as they arise
2025 Educational Programs (provided after the business meeting)
March 5 - TBD
April 2 - TBD
May 7- TBD
June 4 -TBD
July 2 -TBD
August 6 – TBD
September 3 - TBD
October 1 - TBD
November 5 - TBD
Please join us at 6pm at the Eagle River Presbyterian Church at 12836 Old Glenn Hwy., in Eagle River. Meetings are open to the public.